You Can Have Charcoal or Birds, But Not Both
Amazing, breath-taking, beyond beautiful; the animal before us deserved each of those descriptors, and more.
Losing by Conserving?
OK, so I’ll admit being a bit skeptical about Nyalas causing declines in Coutada 11’s Chobe Bushbuck populations.
The Cheetah Whisperer
The scrabbling of the Cheetah’s non-retractable claws on the floor of the transport crate and the thumping of the animal’s heavy body into the sides of the container made me wince.
My Dad's Rifle Feeds a Village
As Ivan Carter spelled out to me in an interview: “Hungry stomachs have no ears.” He meant that when people are hungry, they do not have the capacity to see the need to restore and conserve ecosystems.
Lunch at Zak's
As we wandered into and around the wooden cooking shelter, we skirted plates and bowls heaped with the cooked, unpolished rice.
My First Ever TEDx Talk is Live!!!
The first of my two TEDx presentations is now available. The topic discussed is conservation-through-trophy hunting.
Of Poachers and Hunters
As we slowly made our way in the old, rattly Land Cruiser, I glanced at our guide for the morning.
Catching a Leopard by the Tail
Entering the forested area required shoving through a dense hedge of thorn-laden bushes. The further I went toward the din of howling hounds, whistling handlers, and roaring leopards, the denser it became.
A Conversation with Namibian PH Jamy Traut
Intriguingly, Jamy Traut admitted that a good bit of his motivation for being a PH came from reading the writings of people like Robert Ruark and Harry Selby.
Ivan Carter - Hunter/Conservationist
When I caught up (virtually) with Ivan Carter, he had been [forced] quarantining for several weeks in a friend’s vacation home near a South African Beach.
[KEEPING] The Family Tradition
I realize Hank Williams, Jr. was singing about something totally different in his raucous lyrics about ‘The Family Tradition’.
Mark Haldane - Much more than a PH
Mark Haldane’s South African diction came across clearly through the WhatsApp link.