Scotland (October, 2023)….
Mike had a wonderful hunt with Scandinavian Pro Hunters in Sweden.
Including, his first Fallow Stag, with the story appearing in an upcoming issue of Dallas Safari Club’s Game Trails.
Mike also had a wonderful opportunity of observing the extensive, ongoing conservation-through-hunting efforts in Sweden and the EU. He considers the role of hunting ethics and the appreciation of game meat in conservation efforts by outfitters and hunters in Sweden in his upcoming Safari Magazine article, due out in 2024.
He follows the Swedish history of hunting and game management in a second article that appeared in the 2024 Summer Issue of Hunter’s Horn. Mike follows the development of both the Head Gamekeeper for the world-class reserve, Eriksberg Hotel and Nature Preserve and the reserve itself in “Co-Evolution of a Gamekeeper and a Reserve - Game Management and Conservation Through Hunting on Eriksberg Viltparken.”