How to get a photo of a long-gun!

Not a flattering picture of the photographer, but this is how I often have to position myself and my 'subject' when that subject is a long-gun. Those big lights to the right and left of the rifle are soft-boxes. You are likely to have seen these, if you've ever set foot in a professional photographer's studio. No, I am NOT a professional photographer. But, I have asked professional photographers how I could improve my photography.

The professional's answer, "No subject likes [looks good with] flash photography. So, use indirect light inside [soft-boxes or a window] or shoot your photos outside."

My photographs have improved greatly since taking that advice to heart. Understand, this is not a reflection of my skill, but of professionals who were willing to mentor a beginner.

And, the results today? The Daniel Defense DD5 rifle, a bear skin and voila!


Electronic Shooters Protection, STEALTH Ear Plugs...They Work!


Book Review: ‘African Rifles and Cartridges’ by John ‘Pondoro’ Taylor